Human Rights, Opinion

The paradox of advocating for free speech on Social Media

by Alagi Yorro Jallow.
Fatoumatta: People want to have an intellectual conversation, but their personalities and traits are often contradictory and have a grandiose sense of self include manipulative and cunning behavior, lack of empathy, lack of remorse, and pathological lying. Although they are charming and charismatic, they have similar dictatorial tendencies of psychopathic and sociopathic traits too intolerant and undemocratic. I am afraid I have to disagree with folks all the time, and some even throw a few inuendoes and insults here and there, but I cannot remember when I censored people for their opinions, but I do who are abusive, intolerant, and lack democratic culture. People must agree to disagree, hold extremely controversial positions, but not a good reason enough to be hounded, banished, and silenced.
There is a certain brand of callout culture, bullying, and malevolence – arguably a social media mob justice – that defies every possible explanation. With the extreme emotionality here, people cannot have cold intellectual discussions, albeit backed by empirical evidence, a tough task. Guys are just screaming and hacking each other in the name of having an intellectual discussion – which has been reduced to my way or no way. And then there are blood-baying cliques sniffing, growling, prowling, and waiting for the next person to be mauled.
Fatoumatta: Too much political correctness and respectability politics on these streets. Disagree with people’s opinions, but do not murder them. People can express wrong information or even say stupid stuff, but that is no reason to hound and decimate them maliciously. Moreover, unlearning shitty stuff we picked while growing up takes time.
Fatoumatta: The modern performance of anger is too toxic. Then that screenshots bullshit. Just tells you the conversation was not genuine in the first place. You were being baited, trapped for future slaughter. People can no longer keep the person and the intellectual discussion separate because instead of having a discussion, people are looking for a reason to do you in. You cannot even play devil’s advocate for the sake of argument. People fighting for democracy, but they are bloody dictators inside.
Fatoumatta: The paradox of advocating for free speech but also doing everything in one’s power to silence divergent opinions is indeed intriguing. We all must not have similar opinions on stuff. To keep safe, I see almost every super intelligent friend get out of the platform or resort to sharing memes. I see memes is the new savior. Just react and fuck off. Do not talk to me about shit, they say