Let us not be carried by the self righteous high sounding slogans of Mamburay Njie and his PS Buah Saidy and GPPA’s Abdoulie Tambedou.
With all their high sounding statements about their integrity and professionalism the point is The Gambia Government has always been corrupt, inefficient and unresponsive to the needs of our people. The Janneh Commission Report is a clear testimony of that mismanagement and plunder of our wealth. Yet these are the same people in charge of that system yesterday and today!
So let us not be carried by their well polished and passionate statements that appear factual, professional and realistic! Remember if the NAMs did not insist these officials will not have come before the National Assembly to explain themselves. They would have continued with the same system which is nothing but to plunder our wealth!
To narrate how they care about their graves or following the footsteps of one’s father is not the issue. That’s just sheer diversion and sentiments that Mamburay and Buah want to impose on us just to make us sleep!
The fact is the NAMs are right that Finance has been violating the law in utilizing public funds. We must not allow these public officials to take advantage of the current situation and then pierce our sentiments with concerns for the people when they never had those concerns.
After all if The Gambia is in such a weak state it is the fault of none other than these officials especially Mamburay Njie who has always been the man in charge of both ministries of Finance and Trade, interchangeably over the years. Yet has he ever built any foundations to ensure a viable economy, vibrant trade and prudent financial management? He never did!
Therefore I demand the NAMs to invoke a vote of censure as per Section 75 of the Constitution to sack Mamburay Njie as Minister since it is clear from his actions that he has violated the Constitution and acted inefficiently in handling financial management of the country.
His refusal to bring a request before The National Assembly in the first instance before spending any butut on COVID 19 is unconstitutional and illegal as it violated the Public Finance Act as well.
It is utterly condescending and disrespectful for Mamburay Njie to tell NAMs that just because they think his actions are wrong does not mean his actions are wrong! Is the National Assembly not the authority to scrutinize him? If in their scrutiny they found that he has acted unlawfully and unprofessionally who is he to say no.
When your supervisor assesses you do you disagree with his assessment and tell him that his assessment is wrong and so you are right and performed well? If that is the case then why do we have supervisors and accountability mechanisms?
It is Mamburay who should succumb to the view of the National Assembly and not the other way round. If he feels aggrieved then let him go to the Supreme Court. But he cannot face NAMs who are mandated by the Constitution to monitor him to tell them they are wrong! That means he does not wish to be held accountable!
This is why it is high time for NAMs to invoke Section 75 to discipline him.
Let his PS Buah Saidy not bother us about morality and ethics when his Government continues to plunder public wreath with impunity for the past 36 years he has been in the pubic service. Which public servant can boast about this Government doing the right thing? Yet after 36 years only poverty, deprivation, hunger and backwardness characterize the lot of our people. Where is this PS from?
Once again Gambians must stand up to resist the plunder of public wealth by public officials through processes and narratives that they concocted themselves in total disregard of the law. Just because one supplier is in Bansang submitted a bid does not mean therefore the process is fair and transparent. So let Tambedou not play with our intelligence!
Why is this Government the last government on earth to address the livelihoods challenges created by COVID 19, if indeed they care about the people as the Minister and his PS wish us to believe that cock and bull story! Serious governments around the world including next door neighbor Senegal have long since catered for their people! Why not The Gambia Government?
For The Gambia our Homeland
Ma sha Allah great and thanks for sharing