Human Rights

A Day Exclusive For Mother’s Day!

by Alagi Yorro Jallow.
Fatoumatta: God could not be everywhere; So HE made Mothers for every one of his creations. Let us celebrate Mother’s Day International. To all the mothers in all over the world who continue to sleep in the cold night with their children because their shelters were flattened in pursuit of the insatiable greed and curse of primitive accumulation of wealth in the hand corrupt government by an oligarchy leadership, I send you love, prayers, and message of solidarity. Your God and the God of your children are watching over you and will finally grant you victory against despotic regimes.
Fatoumatta: We Celebrate UNSUNG HEROINES Single Mothers.
My mind goes out to all struggling Single parents on Mother’s Day. You have all been on my mind. You are heroes and heroines at this challenging time. This battle is just another for you: the hardship of the novel coronavirus is not novel to you.
Fatoumatta: Many of you have been operating under lockdowns and curfews before all these, so for you, it is familiar ground. You cannot have children alone at home and not observe lockdowns and curfews when you have no one to look after them. Single parents work hard alone.
Fatoumatta: They bring in all the family resources alone: no supplement, no sharing formula. They make all decisions alone, conferencing alone, to know what should be done with what financially and concerning the children. They are most times stressed and confused, getting the final clearance from nobody on vital issues. Most times, the women (and I think the men too) wish there was someone to take certain decisions out of their hands, especially about children not of their gender. Most times, these decisions may not necessarily be about money; you want to put your head down and empty it of all worries.
Fatoumatta: Your head ticks round the clock, even in sleep. I know you because I know all your sacrifices and sufferings. I celebrate you today because you are heroes and heroines!
Some women gave birth to children, and today are busy fighting or competing with those children. Some women trade their children for a plate of food, a roof over their heads, or a bottle of alcohol.
Some women gave birth to children & run away from them with new boyfriends.
Fatoumatta: Some want to “enjoy” life and see their children as stumbling blocks. The kind that leaves their children with their grandmothers, unattended, and rarely visited. Some women are supposed to be stepmoms, but instead, they are the devil in a child’s life. They come between the children and their father causing more separation, hate, and confusion.
Fatoumatta: Then they are those using their children as mere bargaining chips for extracting money from their estranged or divorced spouse. Those who plant seeds of hatred in children against their fathers to manipulate conflict situations. Then you have those who gave birth to children, yet they do not know the whereabouts of such children today. This is for all women who are raising children with love, care, and affection, even if such children are not their own. Every female can be a woman, but it takes a hell lot to be a responsible and loving mother.
Fatoumatta: Those who refuse to diminish the precious love of a mother, whatever the circumstances. Even when she faced the unending storms in her life, she never gave upon us. This one is to women of mettle whose love, care, and the well being of their children is eternal, unconditional, and persistent.
Happy mother’s day