Human Rights, Opinion

Opinion: Israel-Palestine conflict

by Alagi Yoro Jallow.
Fatoumatta: I love my Israeli friends and my Palestinian friends and classmates and colleagues. However, above that dignity, humanness and love is my commitment to peace, equity, and justice to the Palestinian. Please try to precisely understand the issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict before saying you “stand by Israel.” From many conversations I have had in the past couple of days since the clashes started, it is clear that many do not even know what is going on, but yet, ” I stand by Israel.”
I sadly realized that many did not know the significance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The continued expansion of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem is illegal under International Law. East Jerusalem is considered by the UN to be occupied Palestinian territory.
I am a devout Muslim and, by extension, “Mustian.” I have read the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran. So I will say this clearly: Israel’s actions leading up to and during the recent clashes are reprehensible and should be condemned by anyone who stands for justice, peace and, truth—forcing Palestinians out of their homes to expand Israeli settlements as illegal under international law. More importantly, it is morally flawed and just wrong. Apartheid in South Africa was condemned globally; rightly so. What is going on right now in occupied East Jerusalem is no different from the apartheid and has no legal validity, constitutes a flagrant violation of international law, and must also be criticized and condemned in the strongest terms the repeated attacks by the Israeli occupation authorities against the Palestinian people.
Fatoumatta: As I understand the Christian kinship with the nation of Israel, blatant attacks carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and sharp escalation killing at least 32 Palestinians in the blockaded Gaza Strip must be condemned. However, wrong is wrong, even if Israel commits the wrong. By all means, stand by Israel if you wish. But at the very least, understand what it is you are standing by.