
GPA Sheds Light On Police Station Construction Issue

The GPA management has monitored online publications purporting that the institution is sponsoring the construction of a police station at Mankamangkunda and wish to posit as follows.

The IGP had sent a request to the GPA for the financing of the construction of 3 police stations in URR, namely, Bakadaji, Mankamangkunda and Fatoto, which the Authority had considered under its CSR along the lines of similar interventions in the health, education, agriculture, sports and other sectors.

The design, tender and supervision were contracted to GAMWORKS under a Delegated Management Contract (DMC) and the construction works were awarded to the 3 most responsive local firms that submitted bids.

Notwithstanding, the appropriate governance procedures were followed at the level of the Ministry of Finance and the GPA Board of Directors and decision was obtained for the relevant payments to be offset against the liability that the GPA owes to government, which is normally settled in bi-annual installments.

The request for the financing of these projects did not ensue from directives issued by the Office of the President.

It is hoped that the above will serve to shed light on the handling of the URR police stations project. Press Release