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EU’s global response to coronavirus: “supporting our partner countries – The Gambia included”

“The coronavirus pandemic is a global crisis. Tackling it will require global cooperation. Strong European support to The Gambia’s efforts to fight the spread of the virus is necessary to end this crisis and prevent social instability and insecurity” – said H.E Attila Lajos, European Union Ambassador to The Gambia.

What is the EU’s response to the coronavirus pandemic?

The EU will secure financial support to partner countries amounting to more than 15.6 billion from existing external action resources to address the immediate health crisis and resulting humanitarian needs in partner countries, as well as longer term and structural impact on their societies and economies.

The funding is divided into three areas: €502 million for the urgent, short-term emergency response; €2.8 billion to support research, health and water systems in partner countries and €12.28 billion to address the economic and social consequences.

Together with our partners, we are making sure that the substantial EU funding already allocated to them is targeted to help them deal with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

From the overall package of €15.6 billion, 3.25 billion are channelled to Africa, including €2.06 billion for sub-Saharan Africa and €1.19 billion for the Northern African neighbourhood countries. In addition, the overall package includes another €1.42 billion in guarantees for Africa and the neighbourhood from the European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD).

What is the EU doing to support The Gambia in its efforts to fight the covid-19 pandemic?

The entire staff of the EU Delegation in Banjul has been tirelessly working on exactly that. We are currently formulating actions together with the Gambian Government, state services and partner institutions focusing on four key areas; health response, food security, socio-economic impacts and rule of law.

The present situation puts an enormous pressure on the Government’s budget and thus, the EU is working to frontload its budget support, meaning that the support for 2020 will be disbursed months earlier than initially planned. We now foresee a budget support disbursement of EUR 9 million (cca.512 million Dalasi) early May. As it is entirely up to the Government of The Gambia to decide how this support is spent, this should allow the Government to buffer some of the more devastating effects of the crisis, especially for the most disadvantaged. This initial disbursement should be followed by another, bigger fund transfer of EUR 22,5 million (over 1.28 billion Dalasi) in July/August.

In The Gambia, the EU’s response is rapid and concrete. With our partners, we have immediately adapted the activities of a number of EU projects in order to address this unprecedented crisis. This is what will allow UNICEF to provide cash transfers (around 1500 GMD) to around 6,000 households in CRR, NBR and URR. This will allow local production of 40,000 facemasks by ITC-YEP and 2,000 PPE suits by IOM – to be donated to frontline medical staff. In both cases, these interventions create economic opportunities for young Gambians. Crises are also game-changers, and this crisis might be the opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to take advantage of the opportunities offered by 3D-printing in The Gambia.

Beyond this, the EU is currently working on designing new interventions that will strengthen The Gambia’s preparedness for the management of covid-19 cases. Similarly, we are looking at means to provide those affected by the economic slowdown to overcome the most difficult times of the crisis – such as the possibilities offered by mobile banking, until resuming normal economic activity becomes a realistic prospect.

To sum up, the European Union has re-allocated EUR 45 million to support The Gambia’s efforts in fighting Covid-19 amounts.


What is the EU doing to support Africa to tackle the coronavirus?

Our response to tackle the coronavirus will focus on specific additional needs faced by the countries for this pandemic. Africa is a priority for the EU. We are proposing to re-allocate, accelerate and prioritise €3.25 billion from existing programmes to respond to the needs in Africa.

Like the rest of the world, African countries face immediate healthcare needs and will also bear the economic and social consequences of the global pandemic. Protecting fiscal space to safeguard social services, and maintaining security, will be critical.

Through the EU Delegations, we are monitoring the situation in each country on a daily basis, making sure our response is context-specific and adapted to the local needs.

Support will focus on strengthening preparedness and response capacities of countries with the weakest healthcare systems. The EU is also funding research, which is helping to detect and prevent the transmission of the coronavirus in Africa.

The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) is in particular determined to address basic health needs of vulnerable groups such as internally displaced persons, refugees, asylum seekers, migrants. Under the EUTF, the EU is working closely with all its partners on the ground to ensure equal access to the healthcare system and strive for disease prevention and health promotion especially among the most vulnerable such as populations on the move.

The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership will strengthen research capacities in sub-Saharan Africa and will focus on developing surveillance capabilities and diagnostics, validating existing tests and trialling therapeutics for promising agents.

The EU will accelerate investment in coronavirus testing labs in Africa through €80 million for the European Health Guarantee Platform for Africa, working with the European Investment Bank, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

This global pandemic can be controlled only if there is an inclusive approach which protects every individual’s rights to life and health.


What will the EU do to guarantee no food shortages in developing countries due to the pandemic?

The coronavirus pandemic will exacerbate food systems fragility already being addressed through EU humanitarian and development response programmes.

The 2019 Global Report on Food Crisis illustrates in stark terms the hunger caused by conflict and insecurity, climate shocks and economic turbulence. The 2020 Report will be unveiled in the coming weeks and discussions are ongoing with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP), amongst others, to gauge the extent to which the coronavirus pandemic will impact in the coming weeks and months agri-food supply chains in developing countries and how best to reach out small farmers to sustain their livelihoods.


Will the EU agree to debt relief for developing countries?

Public financing needs are expected to rise considerably over the coming weeks and months in developing countries, and actions undertaken by multilateral creditors will not be sufficient to close the financing gap. In this context, the joint appeal by the IMF and the World Bank (WB) on a debt moratorium for the poorest countries, with concessional loans from the International Development Association (IDA), aims at easing the debt burden from bilateral official creditors. The EU is supportive of this global, coordinated response.


Will the EU contribute to the new appeal by the United Nations for more than USD 2 billion and proposals by other donors?

The EU and its Member Stares will be channelling a significant portion of their response to the coronavirus pandemic through the United Nations. It is expected that a significant proportion of the EU’s humanitarian response as part of this package will go to programmes covered by the Global Humanitarian Response Plan for the coronavirus, but the EU will also make funding available directly to the Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement and to Non-Governmental Organizations. Direct support to Governments will of course remain at the core of our response since a very large share of our support in-country will consist of budget support directly transferred to the respective Treasuries.


What more is being done to support research into the coronavirus, which includes benefitting those outside the EU?

With up to €140 million, the European Commission will support research on diagnostics, treatment and prevention, including €90 million through the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a partnership between the EU and the pharmaceutical industry, and through the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), a partnership between the EU, 14 European countries and 16 African countries. This amount will be broken into:

  • up to €45 million from Horizon 2020, and a similar commitment from the pharmaceutical industry, for projects to develop treatments and diagnostics to better tackle the coronavirus pandemic and to increase preparedness for potential future outbreaks.

Through the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership:

  • €4.75 million support for research into coronavirus pandemic preparedness in sub-Saharan Africa, to help improve surveillance capabilities, develop diagnostics, validate existing tests and promising treatments, and to support clinical management.
  • €18 million for strengthening the capacity for conducting multi-country clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa, and to consolidate South-South and North-South collaborations between researchers and institutions; encouraging networking to maximise the impact of clinical research in Africa.
  • €5 million to train researchers and establish cohort of epidemiologists on disease outbreak and pandemic response in sub-Saharan Africa, in collaboration with the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).
  • In addition two big research consortia in sub-Saharan Africa, ALERRT and PANDORA-ID-NET, have already redirected their research towards coronavirus working jointly with the Africa Centre of Diseases Control (ACDC), to improve diagnosis and prevent transmission of coronavirus in Africa. They will collaborate, for example, with emergency response teams that are being set up in the different regions of Africa.


In conclusion,

Africa, Europe and in fact, the whole world are facing an invisible enemy and a daunting common challenge. The more closely and effectively we work together, the quicker we will defeat coronavirus. And we will win this fight.

Source: EU Gambia Office