Human Rights, News, Opinion

Homosexuality is illegal in The Gambia

by Alagie Yorro Jallow.

Mamudu: Homosexuality is illegal in the Gambia. Further, the Gambia is a God-fearing nation that places a significant premium on family, an institution derived from a union between two people of the opposite gender. Polemics aside, homosexuality is unacceptable.
Mamudu: A few morally bankrupt celebrities, so-called human rights defenders, lawyers and imams, senior Govt officials, and commentators are in the payroll of the gay community to destroy the institution of marriage by distorting its traditional definition as a union of two people of the opposite gender. Subtle messages are passed through broadcast and social media to lure our citizens into homosexuality. Most of the members of the so-called Creative Economy Group in the Gambia are homosexuals. They are supported by foreign NGOs to influence Governments to allow these practices in the guise of freedom of expression. Some of them who hold public office but sell their morality to the devil for money is doing a great disservice to the nation.
History will judge them harshly for looking the other way for a personal gain
or comfort when this evil was happening. We must uphold the law and righteousness if we want God to bless the Gambia.
Mamudu: Foreign ideologies that go against our culture must be resisted. There’s nothing to celebrate about homosexual propaganda by folks who sold their souls to international masters for fame and money. Serious human rights activists can advocate for human rights without allowing foreign funding to cloud their judgment or undermine their cultural identity.
Mamudu: Family is derived from marriage, which is a union between two people of the opposite gender. Homosexuality is illegal in Gambia. The so-called Muslim cleric agenda to promote homosexual behavior is unacceptable. It’s worse when the National Human Rights Commissions and religious folks bring such content during the day at a time when children are at home. We shall take stern action against the NHRC and its representatives promoting LGBT on behalf of foreign powers. Any attempt to introduce foreign films that defy our culture and morality will be resisted with the force of the law.
Mamudu: The National Human Rights Commission and some of those so-called clerics are not fighting for democracy or human rights. They are trying to justify the donor money they were given to promote the LGBT agenda in the Gambia. We shall fight this distortion of our culture with the force of the law. Of homosexuality and other inappropriate behavior, the colonial ideology, and agenda to destabilize the Gambia. We must be patriotic enough to say no to foreign ideologies that are contrary to the word of God and Kenya’s culture.