Human Rights, News, Politics

EU Rep’s Statement on the current political situation in The Gambia

The Gambia: Statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell on the current political situation

The European Union has been at the forefront of support to the democratic transition inThe Gambia since 2017 and to the reforms aiming at entrenching democracy, humanrights and the rule of law. Over the last months, it has observed with growing concern amarked slowdown in the pace of the reform process and in particular noted the recentimportant setback with the rejection of the draft new Constitution. It is key for the 2021Presidential elections to take place on the basis of a new social contract.The constitutional review process is linked to other pillars of the democratic transition,in particular the transitional justice process with the Truth Reconciliation andReparations Commission (TRRC), as well as the Security Sector Reform (SSR). Ittherefore remains important to lay the foundations for the follow-up of these processes.Moreover, taking forward other significant reforms, such as the revision of the PublicOrder Law, media and access to information laws prior to the 2021 Presidentialelections, requires decisive Government action.The European Union calls upon the Government to take the lead in building thenecessary national consensus around the future direction of the democratic transition,with a new Constitution at its core.