The Honorable Minister of Environment Climate Change and Natural Resources Hon Lamin Dibba during the weekend visits various OMVG project sites across the regions. The event which was organized by OMVG Dakar Office as part of the Press Day to familiarized various media houses to showcase the work level being implemented by OMVG Regional Project.
The Media team comprises various news outlets visited Jarra Soma Substation, Bwiam Substation, and Brikama Substation. The team also comprises senior government officials from the Ministry of Environment and Energy with technical staff from OMVG head office in Dakar.
The Gambia River Basin Development Project Organization Energy Project (OMVG) involves Gambia Senegal Guinea Bissau Guinea Conakry. The Dam Project is funded by AfDB The World Bank and Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED)
OMVG project consists of the construction of the Sambangalou Hydroelectric dam with an installed capacity of 128 MW and a 225-KV power transmission line stretching across 1,677 km with 15 high voltage/medium voltage substations and two dispatching centers.
The total cost of the International Line and the Sambangalou Hydroelectric dam is estimated at USD 1,147,462,262.
During the event, the Minister of Environment Climate Change and Natural Resources Hon Lamin Dibba speaking to the press said that The media event is to showcase all OMVG project work levels in The Gambia to familiarize the media with the final implementation stage.
According to the Minister the consultant has assured the final stage completion by September all the work will be completed. He said, the project also has a social and environmental impact component that compensates communities that were affected.
The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment who chaired the Occasion said the Brikama and Soma substation will be completed by September 2021. The soma substation transmits electricity networks of NAWEC and Senelec. The two substations will transmit electricity in the regions of Soma and Brikama surroundings.
Source: Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Natural Resources .
Ma sha Allah great and thanks for sharing