The TRRC on Wednesday 1st July 2020 organised a reconciliation exercise between victims of human rights violations and their perpetrators at its headquarters in Kololi. The victims included Omar A Jallow who was tortured in 1996 by Major Abubacarr Bah, Ensa Jesus Badgie who was imprisoned as a result of false testimony by a mile two inmate, Soriba Condeh and former prison inmate Fallu Ceesay, current inmates Lamin Jah and Soriba Condeh who were tortured by former prison wardens Ebrima Jammeh and Malang Tamba.
The TRRC facilitated the reconciliation exercise following requests by perpetrators to face their victims and apologise to them. Both sides have voluntarily agreed to participate in the reconciliation effort in order to promote healing.
TRRC Chairman, Dr. Lamin J. Sise pointed out that Reconciliation as a TRRC Mandate, and said the truth ought to be known in order to promote reconciliation and healing.
All the perpetrators expressed remorse for their actions and apologised to their victims. Omar A Jallow in his reaction assured Major Bah that he had forgiven him and would welcome him to his home like a family member. Ensa Jesus Badgie said he did not blame Soriba Condeh for lying in court because he was put under pressure to do so. Mr Badgie accepted the apology and expressed delight that he was vindicated finally.
Former prison inmate Fallu ceesay in his reaction denied the accusations against him and explained the incident that led to his torture. He however accepted apologies from the prison wardens. Prison inmates Lamin Jah and Soriba Conde both said they have forgiven Malang Tamba and Ebrima Jammeh.
Imam Ousainou Jallow, the Chairman of the Reconciliation Committee thanked perpetrators for coming out and apologised to victims. He added that truth telling is vital in the Commission’s work and urged witnesses coming before the Commission to be truthful.
Mrs Tabu sarr Njie, chief reconciliation officer at TRRC, coordinated the exercise and the event was attended by TRRC deputy Chair Mrs Adelaide Sosseh and Commissioner Jammeh Ceesay.
Source: TRRC
Ma sha Allah great and thanks for sharing