By Assan Sallah.
Retired Colonel Bah Ndaw , the Interim President of Mali has today, 24th May 2021 signed a Decree to form a new Government. The new government consists of 25 new Ministerial positions who are answerable to the Prime Minister.
The former Spokesperson of the Malian military Junta Major Kalilu Wague is now the Minister of National Reconiciliation.
The junta that took over power in October 2020 from Ibrahim Bubacarr Keita, and appointed Retired Colonel Bah Ndaw, a 70-year-old as its new interim president, with Colonel Assimi Goita, leader of the Malian Military junta was sworn-in as Vice President.
Mali has over the years been struggling to quell the Islamist insurgency that has claimed thousands of military and civilian lives.
Ma sha Allah great and thanks for sharing