The Gambia Revenue Authority is launching Crackdown on Tax Evasion

by Alagi Yorro Jallow

Congratulation, The Gambia Revenue Authority is launching Crackdown on Tax Evasion.
Mamudu: The GAMBIA Revenue Authority ( GRA) has become toothless when it comes to cracking down on tax evasion among the wealthy and the powerful politicians. But before any crackdown on tax evasion penalty is imposed on evaders, the Gambia government has to grapple with a problem plaguing our existing tax structure: Many businesses, people, and foreign corporate companies already avoid paying what they owe. That problem is worst at the top of the income scale, yet the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) too often expends its precious resources going after the poor. Congratulations to GRA cracking down on Simplex for tax evasion.
Mamudu: I was mad at GRA when they closed the Daily Observer, but now I love them for enforcing the tax laws. I will love them more and if they go after the powerful and the wealthy as well as politicians who evaded taxes.
Mamudu: The corporate tax system in the Gambia is outdated, unfair, and will continue to cost The Gambia millions of dollars in lost revenues every year unless it is completely overhauled. Globalization has rendered the century-old global tax system obsolete as more and more companies trade within related corporate structures.
Mamudu: Tax abuse by transnational corporations such as SIMPLEX increases the tax burden on other taxpayers, violates the corporations’ civic obligations, robs our country of critical resources to fight poverty, and fund public services that exacerbate income inequality, and increases poverty reliance on foreign assistance. Well-done.

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