EU-Ecowas peace building intervention in Gambia undergo scrutiny

State House, Banjul, February 27, 2020 – A three-year peace building, security and stability (PSS) intervention by the ECOWAS in partnership with the European Union that began in December 2016 and ended December 2019, is currently undergoing a multi-sectoral scrutiny at the Tendaba Camp in LRR.

The regional PSS project was mandated to support the implementation of various strategic reforms, institutional building and strengthening in The Gambia. Through the retreat, participants will review the achievements of the interventions, share lessons learnt and adopt best practices for building sustainable peace, define key priority actions and map out a way forward.

The Secretary General and Head of the Civil Service, Mr. Muhammed S. Jallow, in his statement at the opening of the event, hailed the EU and ECOWAS for their contribution to consolidating peace, democracy and good governance in The Gambia.

Mr. Jallow highlighted notable achievements registered in building sustainable peace in The Gambia which was thanks to this intervention. However, he noted “some challenges” that require collective efforts of everyone.

“Nourishing peace is not a task limited to time, place or certain individuals but a shared task and responsibility of everyone at any time,” he noted.

Speaking on behalf of the Special Representative of the ECOWAS President to The Gambia, Mr. Claude Kondor said the retreat gives multiple stakeholders an opportunity to engage in open and frank discussions. The thematic issues of discussion focuses on peace and stability in The Gambia and the entire ECOWAS region.

The Project provided support to consolidation of peace, democracy and good governance in the Gambia under four fundamental results: strengthening of security governance structures, supporting national dialogue and reconciliation processes; improving democracy and governance processes, and enhancing coordination and partnership between the relevant stakeholders.

Representatives from Office of the National Security, Independent Electoral Commission, National Council for Civic Education, National Assembly, National Youth Council, among others are taking part in the review.


Sanna Camara

Media Officer

Office of The President

Republic of The Gambia

Office: +220 422 8788

Cell: +220 3410006

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