Gambia Suspends Flights from 13 Countries in response to the Coronavirus

The 4th Cabinet session of 2020, chaired by His Excellency, President Adama Barrow has been updated on the COVID 19 situation in the country.  An immediate decision was taken that flights from thirteen (13) countries be suspended with immediate effect, until further notice.

The decision follows the recommendation of the Health Experts Committee concerning the recent development on COVID-19.

Countries affected by the immediate flight suspension are the following:

1.      The United Kingdom

2.      Spain

3.      France

4.      Poland

5.      Germany

6.      Sweden

7.      Denmark

8.      Switzerland

9.      Netherlands

10.  Norway

11.  Austria

12.  Belgium

13.  Portugal


Also, Cabinet has approved that individuals (Gambian & Non Gambian) travelling from 47 countries in Asia, Europe and the Americas to The Gambia will undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days.  This decision will be reviewed regularly and the public will be informed accordingly.


The forty-seven countries are as follows:
Asian and Pacific Region

1.                  China

2.                  Republic of Korea

3.                  Japan

4.                  Malaysia

5.                  Australia

6.                  Singapore

7.                  Philippines

8.                  Indonesia

9.                  Thailand

10.              India


European Region

11.              Italy

12.              Spain

13.              France

14.              Germany

15.              Switzerland

16.              The United Kingdom

17.              Netherlands

18.              Norway

19.              Austria

20.              Belgium

21.              Sweden

22.              Denmark

23.              Czechia

24.              Greece

25.              Portugal

26.              Israel

27.              Finland

28.              Slovenia

29.              Ireland

30.              Estonia

31.              Iceland

32.              Romania

33.              Poland

34.              San Marino


Eastern Mediterranean Region

35.              Islamic Republic of Iran

36.              Qatar

37.              Bahrain

38.              Pakistan

39.              Egypt

40.              Saudi Arabia

41.              Kuwait

42.              Iraq

43.              Lebanon



44.              United States of America

45.              Canada

46.              Brazil

47.              Chile

Date : 19th March 2020.

Source: State House 

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