HPB Industries Gambia Ltd donates food items to Kembujeh Ward

by Mariama Jobarteh

HPB Industries Gambia Ltd, an Indian manufacturing company specialised in processing, manufacturing and supply of timber, has on Thursday, donated food items to the Councilor of Kembujeh Ward, Honorable Alieu K. Darboe, at a ceremony held at the company’s head office in Kembujeh. The donated items worth D10,000.


Presenting the items, Hitesh Bhudia, the director of the Indian company, said sharing with the people is part of their mandate as a company operating within the locality, adding that it is also part of their corporate social responsibility.


He noted that supporting the grass root communities is indeed paramount, promising that his company would continue working in partnership with the Ward Councilor towards the development of the Ward.


“We are very grateful to receive our able councilor today in our company not only to receive the items, but also to formally met with him and interact as our local representative,” he said.


Receiving the items, Honorable Alieu K. Darboe lauded the gesture from the donors, noting that the donation is a manifestation that the HPB company is indeed a genuine partner in development.


“I am indeed grateful to the company under the leadership of Mr Hitesh Bhudia, who and his team have been generous to the people of my Ward and beyond, ” he said.

Councilor Darboe further tasked other companies operating within the Ward to emulate the HPB.

Lamin Sanneh, Ebrima Touray and Barrack, all promised that their company would always plough back to the communities without any hindrance.

The donated items include, 5 bags of rice, 2 bags of sugar, 3 gallons of 20liter oil.

In a separate, development, one Mr. Jagana of another timber company in Kembujeh also handed over D3000, to councilor Darboe to support his people in these trying moments of the COVID-19.


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