Our Salvation lies in Political Activism

by Madi Jobarteh

Until today May 26 Pres. Adama Barrow has not gazetted the final draft constitution yet he has gone ahead to appoint one man as his new Secretary General contrary to what the Janneh Commission envisaged. Here is attached the recommendation of the Janneh Commission on Nuha Touray. Yet instead of the Barrow acting on the Commission’s recommendation he rather decided to reward Mr. Touray.

Is this not a direct insult and a hard slap on the face of each and every Gambian? Is this not a waste of millions of dalasi spent on this Commission?

Clearly by this appointment Pres. Barrow is telling Gambians that he does not care about the national interest but will pursue his selfish objectives regardless! This is why he has saturated his Cabinet and every part of the Government with key enablers of the carnage meted out to Gambians over the 22 bloody years of the Jammeh Tyranny!

Indeed Barrow’s actions tantamount to betrayal of unprecedented proportions!

Therefore the time has come for each and every Gambian to become a Political Activist. That’s to be prepared to defend open and transparent politics and ensure accountable leadership; to support and protect democracy and good governance by all means and to demand that Public Institutions and Officials respect and uphold the rule of law and serve nothing but the public interest.

The Barrow Government just like the Jammeh Regime before it are in the same boat of flouting the rule of law, disregarding official processes and ignoring institutions that they themselves established in order to ensure truth and justice! That’s unacceptable.

More than ever today we need more political activists in the likes of Solo Sandeng! The nation is once again drifting away and only political activism will and can rescue it.


For The Gambia Our Homeland

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