
KGI MD Could Not Explain Who Appointed Her

By Dawda Faye

The Managing Director of Kanilai Group International (KGI), Wureh Njie-Ceesay, continuing to give evidence before the commission, said she was appointed as the managing director of the company in October 2016 after her predecessor; Tony Ghattas a Lebanese national was demoted.

Janneh Commission

However, she could not explain who actually appointed her but did confirmed that she was informed but later she was called by the then exiled General Saul Badjie who summoned a meeting for her to work with her predecessor in order to restructure and regularise the affairs of the company.

Mrs Ceesay pointed out to the commission’s Chairman Sourahata Janneh that she would not know why Mr. Ghattas was demoted and she was appointed. She said when she was appointed; she co-signed cheques with Mr. Ghattas whenever he wanted to make transaction at the bank.

Still testifying, Wureh Njie-Ceesay however gave evidence on matters relating to the affairs of Alhamdullahi Petroleum and Mining Company (APAM) where she once served as the managing director.

APAM was a mining company initiated by the former President purposely engaged in the mining of black sands which were sent to China.

She further recollected that she was briefed by Mr. Ghattas about the affairs of the company and its involvement in the sand mining before an account was opened, further recalling that by the time she was appointed, the account was already closed.

The former banker explained that she was not involved in the selling of black sand but was briefed by Mr. Ghattas as well as the shipment account where the proceeds of the black sand were deposited.

She further clarify that she was not privy to the statement of the shipment account but did confirm the company’s hiring of foreign employees from China.

“I did not sign anything on the joint venture agreement between APAM and Shanghai Gambia,” she reacted.

Hearing continues.