Solo Sandeng Family launches project worth over D1.8M

By Pa Ablie Corr
The family and friends of the late Ebrima Solo Sandeng Saturday launched “the Sandeng Home Project” worth over D1.8M.
Speaking at the launching ceremony held in Brufut, Muhammed Sandeng, son of the late Ebrima Solo Sandeng said the launching of “The Solo Sandeng Home Project” is important as it will give hope to the family of nine people who are school-going children below the age of 20.
“This makes it a very important endeavour not only for a befitting tribute to our late father in the person of the late Ebrima Solo Sandeng. This shows the generosity of Gambians to their fellow Gambians,” he stated.
He lauded the Gambian diaspora in initiating the Go-Fund Me online to help to complete their late father’s dream home. He appealed to Gambians to give any amount they could. He added that the amount of funds they received wouldn’t be enough to complete the building.
The late Ebrima Solo Sandeng was tortured to death while in state custody for his role in a peaceful protest demanding for proper electoral reforms in April 2016.
Mr. Sandeng was the National Organising Secretary of the United Democratic Party (UDP) until the time of his victimization.
On her part, Nyima Sonko, said: “It is true that we were sad, but feeling very happy and relieved today. I am very happy to see Gambians putting in their monies to support the family of the late Ebrima Solo Sandeng.” She hailed all and sundry and their support to the Sandeng family.
Mr. Malangnding Jaiteh, a representative from the diaspora described the event as a global effort.
“Most of us are breathing the fresh airs of liberty we had today through efforts from the late Ebrima Solo Sandeng together with many others who lost their lives to give up not only their lives but their families so that we both can enjoy the little freedom we had today,” he noted.

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