“Blame Coalition Leaders Not 3 Years Jotna Movement,” OJ tells Gambians

By Pa Ablie Corr

The former leader of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Omar Amadou Jallow alias OJ Jallow has said that the coalition leaders are to blame regarding the issue of 3 years or 5 years mandate of President Adama Barrow that triggered political controversy.

According to him, Gambians should blame the coalition leaders and not 3 Years Jotna movement.

“We (the coalition leaders) are to blame and not 3 Years Jotna movement. President Adama Barrow is not the architect of the coalition in 2016. He (Barrow) was never part of the executive and never attended a single meeting organized by the executive,” he remarked.

He made these remarks on Sunday at Taranga FM radio during a current affairs program anchored by Dr. Ismaila Sisay.

Asked about his thoughts on the arbitrary closure of the two radio stations, Home Digital FM and King FM and the clamping down on journalists, he responded: “The matter is at the court and I, therefore, want to limit myself on the issue.”

He added that many Gambians misunderstood his comments regarding the demolition of mosques in public places.

“Gambians misunderstood me. I never encourage the demolition of mosques in public places. What I said was, what is the sense in building mosques at government institutions when you have people praying for only one daily prayer and that is the Zuhr prayers,” he asserted.

According to him, the country’s late President Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara had never ordered the killing of any Gambian during the 1981 coup.

“Sir Dawda had never ordered the killing of any Gambian but it was Kukoi Samba Sanyang who contested and lost the National Assembly Election in Foni and decided to collide with the “Field Forces” in order to topple the democratically elected government of Sir Dawda,” he adduced.

Meanwhile, he urged Gambians to be law-abiding and adhere to the rule of law.

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