Health Minister Inaugurates National Health Emergency Committee

The Gambia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Ahmadou Lamin Samateh has on Monday, 3rd February 2020, presided over the inauguration of the National Health Emergency Committee in Banjul. The Committee is charged with the responsibility to coordinate the implementation 2019 -nCOV (Novel Coronavirus) in The Gambia.
The committee is also multisectoral in nature comprising of government departments and agencies, Non-governmental, private sector and civil society Organizations.
Its objectives are; to ensure the overall coordination and mobilize the needed resources for the Coronavirus preparedness and response operations at national and regional levels.
According to the Health ministry, the National Health Emergency Committee will be supported by the various sub-committees namely: Epidemiological investigation, surveillance and laboratory testing; Media/Risk Communication, Social Mobilization and Community Engagement; Clinical/Case Management of patients; Logistics and safety; and the Psychosocial support and research committee.
The Hon. Minister expressed delight at the turn out of the meeting and the level of participation during the interactive discussions.

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