Vice President Touray represents Barrow at AU Summit

The Vice President of The Republic of The Gambia in Addis Ababa representing H.E The President of The Gambia, Adama Barrow at the AU Summit of heads of States.
The President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa is the Chair of the African Union for 2020. Under his chairship he unveils the following proposals :
1. Invite Member States to Declare 2020 – 2030 as the Decade of African Women’s Financial and Economic Inclusion with goals and targets.
2. Challenge all Member States to commit to Preferential Public Procurement Legislation requiring 30% of Government procurement go to women owned businesses and adopt an annual monitoring framework for the same.
3. Challenge Heads of States to commit to lead from the front, and redouble efforts to end gender-based violence. Member States through the AU to hold an Africa Conference on Violence and Sexual Harassment leading to an AU Convention on Violence Against Women.
4. Member States to repeal all Discriminatory Laws by December 2020.
5. All AU Member States to commit to ratify the ILO Convention on Sexual Harassment by December 2020.
6. All AU Member States commit to gender equal cabinets and gender equal parliaments by 2030, with political will demonstrated by Heads of State.
#genderequality #gender #womenempowerment #africa ( Source: Oulimata Sarr Regional Director West and Central Africa at UN Women Senegal)

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