SETTING THE RECORDS STRAIGHT: Trumpet Newspaper, TRRC, Lang Karbou and Social Media Commentators; Who is Spreading False Information?

By Fabakary B. Ceesay

Shortly after the publication of our initial articles on Monday, 2nd March and Tuesday, 3rd March respectively, there were lots of comments, counter comments, posts and press releases about the assault on Sergeant Lamin Karbou known as Lang Kah of the NDEA, who of recently appeared as a witness at the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission, (TRRC) and was assaulted while on a narcotic raiding mission few days later.

The incident happened at around Sukuta, Kombo North District, on Sunday, 23rd February 2020.

However, even though, our stories were published in good faith with clear emphasis that the attack has ‘nothing to do with his testimony at the TRRC’, yet still some twisted and turned the stories linking it to TRRC prompting a reaction that the information about Lamin Karbou is unfounded and that the photos attached are old ones.

Now that the Trumpet has unraveled the truth and the circumstances surrounding the case, who is misleading Gambians? Is it the Trumpet Newspaper, TRRC, Lang Karbou or Social Media Commentators?

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