CDS Kinteh visits UN Headquarters, renews GAF’s pledge to peacekeeping

The Chief of Defence Staff of The Gambia Armed Forces (GAF) Lieutenant General Masanneh N Kinteh is on an official working visit to the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The visit which is led by the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and Gambians Abroad Dr. Momodou Tangara, among other things is a follow up visit on earlier requests and pledges made by the GAF in furtherance of GAF peacekeeping efforts.

The GAF in the recent past have achieved tremendous success in peacekeeping especially in meeting target of the UN Secretary Generals Action for Peace Plan (A4P) initiative by mainstreaming gender in our deployments across the globe. Today GAF can boast of achieving the UN female threshold of deploying over 56% females. These efforts were registered through the support of the office of the Chief of Defence Staff and our Permanent Mission in New York.

Source: Culled from GAF Website

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