Lt. General Masanneh N.Kinteh relieved as CDS


Lt. General Masanneh N.Kinteh relieved as CDS

The public is hereby informed that His Excellency, Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia and Commander in Chief of The Gambia Armed Forces, acting under the powers conferred on him under Section 190, sub-section (3) of the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia has decided to relieve Lieutenant General Masanneh N. Kinteh of his duties as the Chief of Defence Staff of The Gambia Armed Forces, effective 5th March 2020.

He hands over to Deputy Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Yakuba A. Drammeh.

The President seizes the opportunity to thank General Kinteh for his service to the nation.

Source: State House

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