Brussels, March 26 2020 – A word from our General Secretary
One of the fundamental rights of the citizen is to be well informed. Quality information, as understood by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s leading professional organisation with 600,000 members in 146 countries around the world, is only possible in a safe environment where freedom of expression, freedom to inform and the right to know can be put into practice.
While the coronavirus/Covid-19 crisis confines more than a third of the world’s population, with unprecedented health, social and economic consequences, journalists are more than ever essential to publish quality information. And this should be made in complete safety.
The IFJ, therefore, offers a series of advice for journalists and media workers, whether salaried or self-employed, working from home or from the other side of the world, regardless of the form of the press (written press, television, radio, Internet).
Share these tips and share your daily life with us. Your difficulties, but also your good practices.
Stay connected and take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Anthony Bellanger
General secretary
Ma sha Allah great and thanks for sharing