Narcotics officer Sergeant Lang Karbou attacked, escapes death

By Fabakary B. Ceesay

Few days after his chilling testimony at the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC), Sergeant Lamin Karbou alias Lang Kah, a narcotics officer, on 23rd February 2020, narrowly escaped death after been assaulted by an unknown suspect (s) at a raid around Sukuta. Sergeant Karbou was said to have been hit by his assailants with a hard object on his forehead.

Lamin Karbou is a Sergeant of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEAG), of the Gambia.

According to the source, Sergeant Karbou was attacked during a drug operation mission by the Narcotics officers. Sergeant Karbou was rushed to the Sukuta Health Centre where he was treated. He was discharged on the same night. The Trumpet also confirmed that his attack has nothing to do with his testimony at the TRRC.

However, details of the incident are not very clear as the Spokesperson of NDLEAG Ousman Saidybah said his office is yet to be officially informed about the incident. Although he heard of the incident but not at official level. He promised to get in touch with us when he communicates with the Directors concerned.

 Source: Culled from The Trumpet

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