GDC’s MC Cham says the proposed 90 days extension of the State of Public Emergency could affect the poor

The National Youth president of the Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) MC Cham Jnr, has said that the proposed extension of the Gambia’s State of Public Emergency to 90 days could be detrimental on the lives of the poor and the needy. He said many people survive from hand to mouth and struggle to do little business or work on a daily basis to earn a living, arguing that is there is a 90 days extension, it could harm the population.

Cham made these remarks on his Facebook page. Below is a copy of the full text.

Gambia Declared State of Emergency

While the Barrow administration and all the public and private organisation, communities and individuals in the Gambia and abroad are working hard to eradicate the coronavirus, the Gambia Government need to pay attention to the majority poor Gambians, who live on daily earnings when all business and means of earnings are closed due to the state of emergency declared by the President on the 27thMarch, 2020 in accordance with section 34 of the 1997 Constitution.

The State may seek to further extend the lock down with approval of the National Assembly in accordance with section 35, but must remember that the country was not in a state of reasonable welfare system on living conditions that, more than four weeks state of emergency can be detrimental to the lives of the majority Gambians.

It is of grave importance that the State investigate ways to support the communities with basic commodities to live on for at least a month through the contingency fund during the state of emergency.

On a different note, shops,wholesalers and retailers who are over pricing in this difficult time, I am appealing for their consideration and support for the poor Gambians.

Moreover, a reminder to the security apparatus to deal with suspects professionally as directed in section 36 of the 1997 constitution to ensure the “Never Again” Protection from inhuman Treatment Section 21.

The Anti-Crime Unit to be reminded of the State of emergency offenders’ protection from discrimination on Section 33 (1) All persons shall be equal before the law that nobody would put this contagious disease (covid-19) before non-essential activity.

The people have a right to life according section 18, which is not possible on restrictions without provisions of other means to survive.

Social Distancing is one of the ways to delay the spread of covid-19 thus drivers are asked to carry half the authorised passengers. This directive is possible with private vehicles but caused the shortage of public transport as they will not work for free.

In supporting the preventive measure, the government should reduce the cost of petrol and diesel by any means for the public transporters to fully adhere to the rules containing the virus.

I strongly urge the National Assembly to critically look at the 90 days State of Emergency it effects on the public and reduce it to for the benefits of the poor, as 90 days staying home without no government support will have a negative impact in the lives of many Gambians who are living on their daily input of work.
As people’s representative I hope you will act in the interest and safety of the people with emphatic concerns and responsiveness that will affect their daily lives better.

Mc Cham Jnr, National Youth President of Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC)

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